Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering

Opportunities in Structural Engineering – For young structural engineers

Structural Engineering is indeed a vast area and there are plenty of areas in which skills can be developed. Structural engineering is a prime discipline taking responsibilities of safety and stability of the structures. With this, there are ample opportunities in the field of structural engineering for young structural engineers.  

With an aim of creating bridge between veteran structural engineers and young structural engineers, we are planning series of live discussions. First of its kind of session is planned as follows:

DATE :  4-APR-21

TIME :  11:00 AM IST

Our Panelist:

  • Olavo Carvalho  –  Consulting Civil Engineers at A. Olavo Carvalho
  • Kamal Parekh – MD & CEO, Shri Sarjan Technocrats Pvt. Ltd
  • Suhas Mujumdar –  Director, Asi consultant
  • Anal Shah –  N K Shah consulting engineers LLP
  • Hiren Desai – SAI Consultants
  • M. Arunkumar – CEO, Indes Structural Design Consultant Pvt Ltd., Chennai

Facilitator : Bhavin Shah – Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants

Methodology :  

  • The session will be conducted using ZOOM software.
  • At the beginning of session, each panelist will share their perspective and view point related to the opportunities in structural engineering.
  • Thereafter, we will take up points from the participants through live chat.
  • We encourage participants to share their discussion points in advance, if possible. It will help us to structure the discussion.

Click below for registration

Registration is FREE but mandatory. Link for the participation will be shared with the registered participants since there are limited seats.

News & Events Vedic Science

Free webinar – Vedic science decoded for Leadership and Personal growth


For achieving targets of organisation, people management is one of the extremely important area for today’s corporate world. The facilitator of the course believes that Vedic wisdom is one of the powerful tool for all major problems of the corporate world which are specifically related to the people management. The session is planned in an interactive mode wherein the facilitator will share his experiences related to the principles of vedic science.

DATE : 28-MAR-21

TIME : 11:00AM IST

About the Facilitator

Bhavin Shah is passionate about spreading awareness related to Vedic Science wisdom. He started reading the Vedic science related books at onset of his post-graduation study. Thereafter, he used the principles of vedic science extensively in the professional and personal life. He believes that vedic science is extremely useful for developing leaderships skill and for the personal growth. In the session, he will be sharing his experiences related to the same. The principles of the vedic science are decoded in the normal language so that it can be easily understood.

He completed graduation in Civil Engineering and Masters in Structures from Sardar Patel University. He is having unique experience of working in the specialized firm of civil / structural consultancy which grew as multidisciplinary firm (VMS), large multidisciplinary firm (L&T Chiyoda Ltd.) and owner based engineering set up (Adani Infra (I) Ltd.). He worked in different organisations at different levels, starting from junior design engineer to CEO. Along with technical role, he also involved actively for improvement in quality standards, people management, inspiring engineers, coaching & mentoring, upliftment of different departments, conflict resolutions, etc. at an organisation level.

He has recently founded a new company SQVe Consultants with a vision of enhancing the engineering profession in the different organisations.

News & Events Steel structure Structural Engneering

Design of PEB structures Challenges and Way forward (Part 1)

We have seen the difference of opinion between group of engineers while designing the PEB structures. I believe there are many areas related to PEB structures wherein discussion is required. We have received many requests from engineers to host a live discussion on this important subject. 

Few of the questions, received from the group of engineers are listed below:

1)    What are the differences between design of PEB and conventional steel structure?

2)    What are the codes to be followed for design of PEB structures?

3)    Is section-12 of IS 800:2007 is applicable to PEB structures?

4)    How to design the anchor bolts for PEB structures?

5)    How to decide support condition for PEB structures?

6)    What are the design parameters to be considered in the software for design of PEB structures?

7)    How to decide minimum web thickness for built up I sections?

8)    How to estimate wind force for design of the low-rise structures?

9)    What is lateral torsional buckling and why it is critical limit state for PEB structures?

10) Can we consider Z purlins as giving lateral support to main rafter?

 As it is a vast area, we are planning to create short term modules for design of PEB (steel) structures focusing on the practical difficulties.

With an aim to collate such practical difficulty areas in design of PEB structures, the live technical discussion is organized.

 Date : 14-MAR-21

Time : 11:00 AM IST

Facilitator : Bhavin Shah, Founder & CEO – SQVe Consultants

Link for joining the live stream :

(Please subscribe the youtube channel to receive the notification when we go live.)

The entire recorded session of 14th March can be seen at the following link:

Design of PEB structures – Live Technical Discussion

Please share the areas wherein practical difficulties are being faced while design of the PEB structures in the below comment box.

News & Events Structural Engneering Wind engineering

Session 15 : A Q&A Session with Tony Rofail from Windtech on Wind Tunnel Testing of Tall Buildings

In continuation with the well received live panel discussions on what IS 875 : Part 3 says about the estimation of wind loads on tall buildingsTony Rofail from Windtech has agreed to participate in another live discussion on Wind Tunnel Testing of Tall buildings. This will be an interactive session where attendees can have their most pressing questions asked and learn about current best practice in wind engineering.

The webinar will start with the regulatory framework: when is it mandatory in India to use a wind tunnel study to determine the design loads on a tall building? Also, when is it economically beneficial to do so.

There are a number of wind tunnel testing methods to determine the loads on tall building structures. Each method has its particular advantage and limitation. This presentation will shed some light on which method is most suited to which type of tall building structure.

This Webinar will also elaborate on some of the more advanced analysis techniques used for the study of the response of tall buildings that exhibit complex modal behaviour or have a complex form such as rigid connections at high elevation and their effect on the transfer of wind loads between the sub-structures.

The effect of different methods of accounting for the directionality of the local wind climate will also be discussed.

The presentation will include some basic tips on how the building form can be optimised to significantly reduce the dynamic response of a tall building.

This live webinar cover the following learning objectives:

1. When is it mandatory and when is it recommended to undertake a wind tunnel study for tall buildings?

2. The various testing techniques available and which type should be used for what type of tall building structure.

3. How small changes to the building form can bring about significant reduction to the overall loads on a tall building structure.


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Tony Rofail – Windtech

Tony has over 33 years’ combined experience as both researcher and consultant in wind engineering including 30years with Windtech Consultants, a global consulting firm specialising in the study of wind effects and sustainable design. Tony is one of Windtech’s founding directors and has been with the firm since its establishment in April, 1991. His research includes reliability of wind tunnel studies, interference excitation of tall buildings, analysis techniques to accurately determine the effect of coupled modes and rigidly linked sub-structures and well as Wind Noise in Buildings, Natural Ventilation and review of assessment Criteria for Pedestrian Comfort.

Tony Rofail has undertaken and supervised over 2,500 wind engineering studies including wind tunnel investigations for various high-rise buildings, large roof and stadium building projects around the world, including many landmark projects.

Facilitator : Bhavin Shah- Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants

DATE : 21-FEB-21
TIME : 11:00 AM ( Indian Standard Time)

Link for registration :

Also, may please share the questions in the below comment box which you would like to get addressed during the live technical discussion.

Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering


Thank you all for supporting the initiative of Live Technical Discussion series. Our aim is to arrange the live technical discussion on the areas related to engineering where in industry is facing practical difficulties. We had very interesting live technical discussions so far on the important subjects like Gravity column, Stiffness modifiers as per IS 1893 & IS 16700, Irregularities as per IS 1893, Time period calculation as per IS 1893, Recent amendments to IS 1893 & IS 13920, Interface between geotechnical and structural engineer, Wind force estimation for low rise buildings & tall buildings as per IS 875, Pile foundation, Quality assurance in structural engineering firms, etc.

There are many interesting live discussions at planning stage for other engineering disciplines as well.

In the comment box, you may mention the areas for which the future live technical discussions may be arranged. Also, please let us know if you would like to appear in the live stream to address the audience.

Pl circulate this message with the engineers in your circle.

You may subscribe the channel at this link to receive notifications when we go live :

Design of RCC structures News & Events

Session 14- Live Technical Discussion Series : Design of RCC Structures (PART 1)

Background :  We created a telegram group for structural engineers with a purpose of knowledge sharing and to serve as a medium for discussion related to technical matters, professional issues, guidance for young engineers, career advice, etc.

Link for joining the group :

Dr. H. J. Shah had replied to number of queries in the group. In the next live session, we would like to summarise and present them along with the sketches. We wish to take up following points in the next live session :

  • The building columns are classified based on various criteria as (a) Braced and unbraced, (b) No-sway and sway, (c) Tied, spiral and Composite, (d) Short and long, (e) Axially loaded and eccentrically loaded, and (f) Ordinary and Ductile.
  • The buildings are classified based on the type of columns and walls occurring in them. Both are dependent on each other.
  • In addition to primary stresses, Gravity loads result in buckling, while horizontal loads try to overturn the building. In both the cases, moments are induced. Sufficient factor of safety should be there against overturning.
  • Buckling of a local column due to gravity loads is taken into account by using additional moments in columns which may be negligible (short column) or considerable (long column). To decide whether the column is long or short, we need effective length of the column that can be determined as per guidance of IS: 456.
  • Horizontal loads result in building sway. This sway may be negligible or considerable. The total horizontal shear acting on storey, Vi, will induce a moment equal to Vi hi where hi is the height of the ith storey.  This is called primary moment.
  • Relative sway of consecutive storeys is called drift. Due to drift, the vertical loads become eccentric and induce moments equal to, where  is drift of the storey. This is called P effect. The total moment induced due to loads on all vertical elements of the storey = S P, is called secondary moment.
  • Ratio of secondary moment to primary moment represents an index of stability of the building called stability index, Q. If Q is not greater than 4%, the lateral sway may be neglected and the columns in the storey may be considered as no-sway. If Q > 0.04, the columns in the storey may be considered as sway. IS: 16700, refers Q as inter-storey drift stability coefficient, q. For stability of building, .
  • Once the loads on the columns are calculated, we can design the columns. Note that there are a number of load combinations through which the column should pass.
  • Interaction diagrams are prepared for column design. These may be global or local.
  • The interaction diagrams as prepared by SP: 16 are global and can be used for variety of dimensions and materials used in columns.
  • An interaction diagram as prepared for one column with given dimensions and materials is called a local interaction diagram. It will be used to design a particular column with a number of load combinations.
  • Columns for a given storey are designed at top and bottom with given load combinations. If I am considering 25 load combinations, one column should pass through 50 column design calculations. Then one can get area of reinforcement.
  • Deciding the sizes of columns, the grade of materials along the height of the building requires through knowledge. Similarly, arranging the reinforcement along height, number and diameter at a section, is also a skilful job.
  • After arranging all, you need to satisfy strong column – weak beam analogy as per IS: 13920.

We wish to take up the above-mentioned areas in the upcoming live session. For making the session more successful, you are all requested to send your queries in advance. This will facilitate us to arrange the queries in order and prepare sketches for clarification, if required.

You are also requested to send your queries for following topics.

  • Shear Wall- Design and detailing of isolated shear wall
  • Hidden beam,
  • Floating columns,
  • Live load reduction

The session will be live streamed at the following youtube channel. You may subscribe and share details of the youtube channel with interested engineers to receive the wider participation from group of engineers :

Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Online Courses

Update about online course : GEO-STR-001

The course GEO-STR-001 : Interactive process of geotechnical investigation is started on 16-JAN-21 and will be completed at end of January month. There is participation from different parts of India, like from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Delhi, Kerala, Hyderabad, etc. as well as from Malaysia. In the sessions, practical problems related to geotechnical investigation are being discussed along with the case studies which make the session highly interactive.

The next batch for this course will begin in February, 2021.

News & Events

Bhavin Shah has become a mentor at Expertrons

Bhavin Shah has become a part of Expertrons as a mentor to guide the aspirants in the domain of engineering. Also, he will share his experience gained through the corporate journey like people management, resolution of workplace related conflicts, quality assurance, etc.

Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering

Session 12 – Discussion on Pile Foundation – Live technical discussion

Join us for live technical discussion related to “Pile foundation” on 10-JAN-21 at 11:00AM IST. We are going to discuss the important areas related to geotechnical and structural aspects of the pile foundation.

Please share your points of discussion in the below comment box which will be taken up during the live session. Vivek Kumar MITRA will join as a guest expert during the session.

Link for joining the session is mentioned in the first comment below.

Please tag or share this message with the interested engineers in your circle.

Facilitator : Bhavin Shah (Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants)

An initiative of SQVe Consultants
(Enhancing the engineering profession)

We will discuss following areas during the session. Please suggest the other points which may be taken up during the live session.

1. When pile foundations are required?
2. What are the different types of piles and their applications?
3. How to decide diameter and length of pile?
4. What are the major factors affecting pile capacities?
5. Can we go ahead with only friction piles?
6. What is negative skin friction for piles?
7. What are the different tests required to ascertain pile capacity?
8. Is it mandatory to perform pile test?
9. What is PDA and how it is useful for pile testing?
10. Major steps for performing structural design of piles
11. What are secant piles?

Session 12 – Discussion on Pile Foundation – Live technical discussion

News & Events Online Courses Steel structure Structural Engneering

Decoding IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures

Please participate in the unique 2 days’ workshop on 26-DEC-20 & 27-DEC-20 (10:30am to 1:30pm) named as “Decoding of IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures”. It is organized by MX Business Media. In the workshop, we will address some of the challenges being faced by practicing engineers while design of the steel structures as per IS 800:2007.

Link of registration for the workshop:  Please participate in the unique 2 days’ workshop on 26-DEC-20 & 27-DEC-20 (10:30am to 1:30pm) named as “Decoding of IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures”. It is organized by MX Business Media. In the workshop, we will address some of the challenges being faced by practicing engineers while design of the steel structures as per IS 800:2007.

Expert sessions by : Bhavin Shah (Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants)

Link for registration at the workshop: