Wind forces & pressures are important in the design of structures being frequently occurring phenomenon. The fundamental IS code related to wind forces (IS 875- Pt. 3) was revised in 2015 and two amendments have been so far issued. It generated few practical difficulties and there are few clauses of the code on which discussion is required. With an objective to resolve some of the practical difficulties, the online course WIND-STR-001 is launched.
The course will focus on wind force estimation for low rise structures as per IS 875 (Part 3):2015. The course will cover important aspects like wind characteristics, pressure coefficients, wind force estimation for shed type of structure, multi span structure, domed roof, hoardings, etc. The course will also cover wind tunnel testing requirements for estimation of wind forces for low rise structures.
What is unique about the course?
The course is designed by the experienced engineers (Er. Dr. Abhay Gupta & Mr. Bhavin Shah) who have together more than five decades of experience in the field of structural engineering.
- The entire course is designed from the practical aspects which can be readily used in the real projects.
- The tutorial / exercise will be given to the participant during each session so that they get the hands-on experience for estimation of the wind force.
- The course is designed to have an interactive mode so that the problems / doubts of the participants can be addressed.
- Certificate will be issued on successful completion of the online course.
Who should attend?
This course will be useful for following :
- Practicing Structural Consultants
- Senior Structural Engineers in the company having experience around 10+ years
- Structural engineer having 5+ years of experience
- Young structural engineers having less than 3 years of experience
- Post Graduate students in Structural Engineering
- Civil engineering students who are interested in Structural Engineering.
Course Faculty

Er. Dr. Abhay Gupta has obtained his BE(Civil) in 1981 & subsequently ME(Structures) from SGSITS Indore; and Ph.D. from University of Roorkee, Roorkee (now IIT Roorkee) in the area of “Aerodynamic Interference in Tall Rectangular Buildings: Wind Tunnel Studies” in 1996. He has more than 35 years of experience in the field of Civil Engineering construction and Structural design. Dr. Abhay Gupta is one of the Directors of Skeleton Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Noida. Dr Gupta has also worked as Principal consultant for establishment of Wind tunnel facility at Guna MP.

Mr. Bhavin Shah is passionate about Engineering profession with two decades of experience. He is having a dream for enhancing the engineering profession in different organisations. He completed graduation in Civil Engineering and Masters in Structures from Sardar Patel University. He is having unique experience of working in the specialized firm of civil / structural consultancy which grew as multidisciplinary firm (VMS), large multidisciplinary firm (L&T Chiyoda Ltd.) and owner based engineering set up (Adani Infra (I) Ltd.). He worked in different organisations at different levels, starting from junior design engineer to CEO. He is Founder & CEO of SQVe Consultants. He is pursuing Ph.D. in Structural Engineering.
- The entire course is designed in the ONLINE mode.
- The course will spread over two week with approximate total 12 contact hours.
- During two weeks of time, the interaction can be done with faculty using customised discussion forum.
- The course includes few tutorials wherein the participants will get hands on experience related to wind force estimation for low rise structures as per IS 875 (Part 3):2015.
- Two weeks are considered so that the participants have ample opportunities for raising their doubts / queries related to the subject.
- The online sessions will be conducted using ZOOM software.
1st batch is completed…
The batch was scheduled from 25th March, 2021 to 2nd April, 2021. onwards. We had received quite encouraging response from the participants. Also, we have received many requests for accessing recording of the same. Accordingly, we have configured access of recordings as shown below.
How to access recording of the course?
Now, you can purchase access of the recording for 90 days. Your all queries/doubts after going through the video will be responded. If required, we will also arrange live session for discussion.
Your any queries/ doubts related to the course shall be addressed to the email address :