What is Organisation Development (OD)?
Organizational development (OD) is a planned and systematic approach to improving organizational effectiveness and individual well-being within a company. It involves planned interventions in the organization’s processes, structures, and systems, aimed at improving the organization’s ability to adapt and thrive in a changing environment.
OD is a process that involves the collaboration of managers, employees, and consultants to diagnose and implement changes that improve the organization’s functioning. It can involve changes in strategy, culture, structure, processes, and systems.
The key goals of OD include improving productivity, increasing employee satisfaction, reducing costs, enhancing customer satisfaction, and increasing innovation. OD can also help organizations to anticipate and respond to changes in the external environment.
OD interventions can take many forms, such as team building, coaching, leadership development, change management, process improvement, and performance management. These interventions are typically tailored to the specific needs and goals of the organization.
Overall, organizational development is an ongoing process of improving the effectiveness of an organization through planned and systematic interventions that promote employee well-being and improve the organization’s ability to adapt and thrive.
Our Service of OD is available for
- New structural consultancy firms
- Old and established structural consultancy firms
- Launch of new structural consultancy firms
- Multi-disciplinary consultancy firms
- Small consultancy firms to large consultancy firms, etc.
Brief about our approach for OD
Our unique combination of technical expertise and the proficiency of organization development brings on board the practical and effective solutions for continual improvement in the organisations. This service is fully customized and is available for specialized structural consultancy firm to the multi-disciplinary engineering firm and from small set up to the large organisations.
General methodology** which will be followed is described briefly below:
**(It is only illustrative methodology. The actual approach will be customised as per requirements of the company.)
We adopt the PPT model for organisation development, i.e. Processes & systems, People management and Technical growth. Following shows a brief about the PPT model:
- Processes & systems : We encourage and make the organisation enable for continual improvement in the existing processes & systems. All improvements will be suggested considering the existing practices and the documents as a base line so that it can be easily implemented across the organisation.
- People management : It is an extremely important area for achieving goals and objectives of the organisation. We bring in the concepts of vedic science for dramatic improvement in the organisation.
- Technical growth : The training needis identified after preparation of skill set matrix across the organisation. We believe that internal training is a powerful source of learning within the organisation. Accordingly, the internal training will be organised in the structured form. For the balance areas wherein the internal training is not available, SQVe will furnish the training. Also, collaboration with the other experts may be explored for the specialised topics.
Generally, following steps will be followed for organisation development:
- To conduct open discussion with different bands of the organisation like top management, middle management, young engineers, para professionals (cad technicians), administration, etc.
- To identify gap areas in the organization from the perspective of identified objectives like increase in efficiency, improvement in quality standards, value engineering, etc.
- Based on the same, the detailed way forward will be proposed. The way forward will cover phase vise development, areas of improvement, action plan from the perspective of the identified goals & objectives of the organisation. Thereafter, in consultation with owner / top management / functional heads of the organization, we will chart out phase wise development of the organization from its current state.
- To study the existing processes, systems & documents and based on the same we will suggest modifications / alterations in the current practices. The same will be further discussed and debated with the relevant stake holders of the organisation. After reaching to the common consensus, we will generate the updated documents for implementation.
- We will provide hand holding support to the organization during the implementation phase as well as will become catalyst for accelerating the developmental activities.
Book one FREE session to understand more about the unique service related to OD
One-on-one session will be arranged with Bhavin Shah for discussion related to our service, your specific requirements and discussion related to way-forward / proposed action plan, etc.
By clicking the following button, you will be directed to registration page and after filling up the form, you can choose the convenient date and time for the session.