It’s necessary, now more than ever post Turkey Earthquakes, to seriously review the existing building structures for ensuring satisfactory performance even in high intensity earthquakes in India.
How safe are the existing structures in India during seismic events??… is a question we are being asked everyday.
I must mention an important fact here, before embarking on any further discussion on the subject, that National Building Code has mandated a Technical Audit of all public buildings more than 15m high, every 3 to 5 years, and buildings found unsafe to be sealed and duly retrofitted before being permitted to be used. These Audits must cover Structural Safety Audit as well as a comprehensive review of electrical and Fire installations as well as conformance to the latest bye laws and the Structural Audit thus carried out will be based on the latest revision of Earthquake Codes, and will bridge the compliance gap with Codal guidelines. It will also ensure safety of lives and safety of precious infrastructure in a serious earthquake close to the region so critical for a fast developing Indian economy. We cannot depend on Government alone to accomplish this Herculean effort and all individual building owners must come forward to get Structural Audits and Strengthen their building structures to make them safe and Code Compliant.
All existing buildings need to be reviewed with latest version of BIS Codes, duly allowing for a suitable reduction in Base Shear as per BIS 15988 and strengthening must be carried out to bring it to a Code compliant level. Else, Delhi NCR may witness scenes similar to Turkey and Syria or worse. Special focus must be given to Hospitals, schools, critical communications and Transport infrastructure (Especially Elevated Metro stations, which are all basically stilted structures with extreme mass and stiffness irregularity)
Ms. Sangeeta Wij
In the upcoming live event, Ms. Sangeeta Wij will join us for the very important discussion.
It would be great if you can share your specific queries/doubts related to the subject in advance which would help us to structure the flow of discussion.
In the following registration form, you may share the specific doubts/questions related to the topic or you may share your point of view, discussion points, etc. which may be addressed during the session.
Title: Retrofitting of the existing structures in India for earthquake resistant design
DATE : 20-APR-23
TIME : 4:30PM to 6:00PM IST
Brief about Expert
Carrying out Structural analysis, design and drawings work for a large no of Projects in NCR and pan India, as also review of many existing Projects, based on BIS Codes of Earthquake resistant designs and the best practices. For a good Structural Audit, complete due diligence is to be exercised and a Detailed Report presented to the Clients, highlighting the gaps in structural capacities and demand. It is now a challenge to correctly assess the feasibility of the retrofit scheme proposed with meeting the desired demand for various structural elements .
Mrs Wij graduated in 1982 and worked in RITES before staring her own consultancy form in 1996. Her firm SD ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LLP has completed over a 1000 prestigious Structural engineering assignments for a large no of Metro stations(elevated and underground), Hospitals, Schools, Commercial, residential and Industrial Projects involving complex Steel and RCC designs. SDEC has been involved in Audits of Commercial Residential and Industrial Clients as also World Bank and NDMA looking for Higher level Advanced Analysis of Structures . Most Health facilities and Hospitals have been strengthened to achieve Immediate Occupancy level , as per NDMA Hospital Safety Guidelines.
Registration is FREE. You may share the specific doubts/queries/discussion points which may be discussed during the session. It would help us to structure the discussion.

RS-STR-001: Get access to 98 recorded sessions
We are excited to announce the availability of recorded sessions from our previous online courses for structural engineers. These sessions cover a wide range of topics including earthquake resistant design, wind engineering, software training for STAAD Pro & ETABS, design of steel structures, etc. With a total of 98 sessions and over 140 contact hours, this library of recordings is a valuable resource for anyone looking to enhance their knowledge and skills in the field of structural engineering. The content of the course will be gradually released over the course of the 8-month duration, ensuring that participants have ample time to digest and apply the material. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your skills and stay ahead of the curve!
Feedback of few participants for previous online courses”