Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering


Thank you all for supporting the initiative of Live Technical Discussion series. Our aim is to arrange the live technical discussion on the areas related to engineering where in industry is facing practical difficulties. We had very interesting live technical discussions so far on the important subjects like Gravity column, Stiffness modifiers as per IS 1893 & IS 16700, Irregularities as per IS 1893, Time period calculation as per IS 1893, Recent amendments to IS 1893 & IS 13920, Interface between geotechnical and structural engineer, Wind force estimation for low rise buildings & tall buildings as per IS 875, Pile foundation, Quality assurance in structural engineering firms, etc.

There are many interesting live discussions at planning stage for other engineering disciplines as well.

In the comment box, you may mention the areas for which the future live technical discussions may be arranged. Also, please let us know if you would like to appear in the live stream to address the audience.

Pl circulate this message with the engineers in your circle.

You may subscribe the channel at this link to receive notifications when we go live :

Design of RCC structures News & Events

Session 14- Live Technical Discussion Series : Design of RCC Structures (PART 1)

Background :  We created a telegram group for structural engineers with a purpose of knowledge sharing and to serve as a medium for discussion related to technical matters, professional issues, guidance for young engineers, career advice, etc.

Link for joining the group :

Dr. H. J. Shah had replied to number of queries in the group. In the next live session, we would like to summarise and present them along with the sketches. We wish to take up following points in the next live session :

  • The building columns are classified based on various criteria as (a) Braced and unbraced, (b) No-sway and sway, (c) Tied, spiral and Composite, (d) Short and long, (e) Axially loaded and eccentrically loaded, and (f) Ordinary and Ductile.
  • The buildings are classified based on the type of columns and walls occurring in them. Both are dependent on each other.
  • In addition to primary stresses, Gravity loads result in buckling, while horizontal loads try to overturn the building. In both the cases, moments are induced. Sufficient factor of safety should be there against overturning.
  • Buckling of a local column due to gravity loads is taken into account by using additional moments in columns which may be negligible (short column) or considerable (long column). To decide whether the column is long or short, we need effective length of the column that can be determined as per guidance of IS: 456.
  • Horizontal loads result in building sway. This sway may be negligible or considerable. The total horizontal shear acting on storey, Vi, will induce a moment equal to Vi hi where hi is the height of the ith storey.  This is called primary moment.
  • Relative sway of consecutive storeys is called drift. Due to drift, the vertical loads become eccentric and induce moments equal to, where  is drift of the storey. This is called P effect. The total moment induced due to loads on all vertical elements of the storey = S P, is called secondary moment.
  • Ratio of secondary moment to primary moment represents an index of stability of the building called stability index, Q. If Q is not greater than 4%, the lateral sway may be neglected and the columns in the storey may be considered as no-sway. If Q > 0.04, the columns in the storey may be considered as sway. IS: 16700, refers Q as inter-storey drift stability coefficient, q. For stability of building, .
  • Once the loads on the columns are calculated, we can design the columns. Note that there are a number of load combinations through which the column should pass.
  • Interaction diagrams are prepared for column design. These may be global or local.
  • The interaction diagrams as prepared by SP: 16 are global and can be used for variety of dimensions and materials used in columns.
  • An interaction diagram as prepared for one column with given dimensions and materials is called a local interaction diagram. It will be used to design a particular column with a number of load combinations.
  • Columns for a given storey are designed at top and bottom with given load combinations. If I am considering 25 load combinations, one column should pass through 50 column design calculations. Then one can get area of reinforcement.
  • Deciding the sizes of columns, the grade of materials along the height of the building requires through knowledge. Similarly, arranging the reinforcement along height, number and diameter at a section, is also a skilful job.
  • After arranging all, you need to satisfy strong column – weak beam analogy as per IS: 13920.

We wish to take up the above-mentioned areas in the upcoming live session. For making the session more successful, you are all requested to send your queries in advance. This will facilitate us to arrange the queries in order and prepare sketches for clarification, if required.

You are also requested to send your queries for following topics.

  • Shear Wall- Design and detailing of isolated shear wall
  • Hidden beam,
  • Floating columns,
  • Live load reduction

The session will be live streamed at the following youtube channel. You may subscribe and share details of the youtube channel with interested engineers to receive the wider participation from group of engineers :

Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Online Courses

Update about online course : GEO-STR-001

The course GEO-STR-001 : Interactive process of geotechnical investigation is started on 16-JAN-21 and will be completed at end of January month. There is participation from different parts of India, like from Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Delhi, Kerala, Hyderabad, etc. as well as from Malaysia. In the sessions, practical problems related to geotechnical investigation are being discussed along with the case studies which make the session highly interactive.

The next batch for this course will begin in February, 2021.

News & Events Online Courses Steel structure Structural Engneering

Decoding IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures

Please participate in the unique 2 days’ workshop on 26-DEC-20 & 27-DEC-20 (10:30am to 1:30pm) named as “Decoding of IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures”. It is organized by MX Business Media. In the workshop, we will address some of the challenges being faced by practicing engineers while design of the steel structures as per IS 800:2007.

Link of registration for the workshop:  Please participate in the unique 2 days’ workshop on 26-DEC-20 & 27-DEC-20 (10:30am to 1:30pm) named as “Decoding of IS 800:2007 for design of steel structures”. It is organized by MX Business Media. In the workshop, we will address some of the challenges being faced by practicing engineers while design of the steel structures as per IS 800:2007.

Expert sessions by : Bhavin Shah (Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants)

Link for registration at the workshop:

Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Online Courses Structural Engneering

First LinkedIn Live session – Importance of interface between Geotechnical engineer & Structural engineer

Glad to announce our first LinkedIn Live session on 24-DEC-20 at 11:00AM IST related to importance of the interface between Geotechnical engineer & Structural engineer.

For safety & stability of the structure as well as for the cost optimization, interface between geotechnical engineer and structural engineer is extremely important in the project. We will discuss few such important interface areas and also, we will take up the discussion points suggested by the participants through live chat.

Vivek Kumar MITRA (Founder & CEO, VKM Geotechnics) will join us in the live session.

Earthquake Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering

Session 11 : Amendment no. 2 for IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 & IS 13920 : 2016

Recently, BIS published the amendments related to IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016 & IS 13920 in November, 2020. The article shows some of the major changes made in the code as per my understanding. Only brief details are mentioned below, for details please refer the amendments.

Amendment no. 2 of IS 1893 (Part 1) : 2016

1.     Clause related to vertical earthquake shaking is modified. The requirements are added for embankments, dams, bridges, etc. Also, the criteria for consideration of vertical earthquake shaking are modified. 

2.     The methodology for calculation of torsional irregularity is updated. The maximum displacement should be checked against the average displacement as against the minimum displacement in the previous version of the code. For more details, please refer the amendment.

 3.     For a building with re-entrant corners, three dimensional dynamic analysis to be performed with the flexible floor diaphragm. If there is a rigid diaphragm in the building then two separate analysis to be performed, firstly with flexible diaphragm and secondly with the rigid diaphragm. The worst effects to be considered from both the analysis.

 4.     For out of plane offset in vertical elements, the forces and moments due to earthquake effects in the elements connecting the two vertical elements with out of plane offset elements, the vertical element supporting the offset, and connections shall be enhanced by a factor of at least 2.5.

 5.     The provisions for stiffness irregularity are further clarified and few changes are made as well. In the note, it is mentioned that this provision is not applicable to such storeys, which have: (a) lower height, where services and utilities are housed, or (b) outrigger frame members placed in them.

 6.     For weak storey irregularity – buildings with strength irregularity shall not be permitted. In case, the weak storey is because of URM infills, provisions of 7.10 shall be followed.

 7.     Floating columns – Such columns are likely to cause concentrated damage in the structure, and are undesirable. A building with floating columns shall not be permitted, if the floating columns are part of or supporting the primary lateral load resisting system.’

 8.     Irregularity related to “Irregular Modes of Oscillation in Two Principal Plan Directions” is further clarified. It is also mentioned that this provision is not applicable to buildings with large podiums in the lower storeys.

 9.     For importance factor, “school” is replaced with the “educational building”.

 10.  OBF is not allowed in seismic zone III, IV & V.

 11.  Provisions for flat slab – structural wall system are further clarified.

 12.  Formula for Aw is modified and now it is same as when the code was published in 2016. It is mentioned that The value of Ta obtained shall neither be taken to be more than that given in 7.6.2 (a) nor less than that given in 7.6.2 (c).

 13.  In case of URM, RC members shall be designed for the governing combinations of stress resultants arising from structural analysis of:

a) Bare frame building, and

b) Frame building with URM infills.

14. For other details, please refer the amendment.

 Amendment no. 2 of IS 13920 : 2016

1.    Steel reinforcement shall comply with all of the following:

a) Elongation shall be at least 14.5 percent,

b) Ratio of ultimate stress to 0.2 percent proof stress shall not exceed 1.25,

c) Ratio of ultimate stress to 0.2 percent proof stress shall be at least 1.15, and

d) Steel shall be only of strength grades with minimum 0.2 percent proof stress of 415 MPa, 500 MPa or 550 MPa, in addition to other requirements of IS 1786.’

 2.     In cl no. 9.1.1, modifications are made for calculation of nominal shear strength of concrete in a beam-column joint.  

3.     In cl no. 9.1.2, provisions related to design shear stress demand are further clarified.

4. For other details, please refer the amendment. 

We are planning live technical discussion for the amendments on 20-DEC-20 at 11:00AM IST. Please share your comments / discussion points in the below comment box. We will discuss the same during live session of 20-DEC-20.

Link of the live session is attached below. Please like and share this video with the interested engineers in your circle.

Session 11 : Recent amendments for IS 1893 (Part 1):2016 and IS 13920:2016 – Live discussion

An online course related to earthquake resistant design will start from 17-MAR-22. Please watch the introductory video below:

EQ-STR-002 : Learn concepts of earthquake resistant design

Click below for more details and registration for EQ-STR-002

News & Events Quality Assurance Structural Engneering

Importance of Quality Assurance in Structural Engineering Firm

Thank you all for participation in the live session for “Importance of Quality Assurance in structural engineering firm” and for raising important discussion points. Bhavin Shah (Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants) had conducted the session.

The link of video is shared below, in case you have missed out the live session.

Your further views/comments are welcome on the subject.

News & Events Quality Assurance Structural Engneering

Session 10 – Importance of Quality Assurance in Structural Engineering Firms

Join us for Live Discussion on 13-DEC-20 at 11:00am IST for “Importance of Quality Assurance in Structural Engineering firms”.

Quality assurance is one of the extremely important area for the design engineering consultancy firms. The Quality Assurance covers the broader aspects like compliances to the prevailing regulatory standards, meeting functional & aesthetics requirements, ensuring strength and stability of structures, effective interface to avoid rework at site, generating error free design documents, inclusion of sustainability, safety, constructability aspects, etc.Please tag the engineers in your circle who may be interested in the topic. Also, pl share your discussion points in the below comment box. We will take up the same during the live session.

Session 10 : Importance of Quality Assurance in Structural Engineering Firms
Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Online Courses Structural Engneering

First Facebook Live session of SQVe Consultants : Importance of interface between Geotechnical and Structural engineers

We had an interesting conversation on the subject : Importance of interface between Geotechnical & Structural Engineers. Your further comments / queries on the subject are invited.

For safety of the structure and cost optimisation, appropriate geotechnical investigation is extremely important. Apart from definite statistics, it can be said that the geotechnical failures are one of the major causes for collapse of the structures. In the typical fast track projects, sometimes proper interface is not carried out between geotechnical engineer and structural engineer which may affect adversely the major goals of engineering, i.e. safety of the structure and cost optimisation. Also, the project may get delayed substantially due to inappropriate soil investigation or may be due to lack of interface between geotechnical engineer and structural engineer.

VIVEK KUMAR MITRA is a renowned consultant in Geotechnical Engineering. He commenced his career as a GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER at TATA Consulting Engineers Limited, Mumbai. Later he moved to organization like Bureau Veritas, Reliance, Impac, Egis Consulting Engineers. He was at Abu Dhabi for mega artificial Island Project in 2013 and represented ADNOC. He is geotechnical consultant for projects at Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Dubai.He has worked in projects in the areas of Offshore, Infrastructure, Power, Refinery, Petrochemicals & Marine. He also handled with distinction various projects in Ports & Harbors, Mega-Infrastructure, Artificial Islands, Dredging / Land Reclamation and Oil & Gas, Ground Improvement for ultra-soft soil. He is the Founder & CEO of VKM GEOTECHNICS which he started in 2019.


Mr. Bhavin Shah is passionate about Engineering profession with two decades of experience. He is having a dream for enhancing the engineering profession in different organisations. He completed graduation in Civil Engineering and Masters in Structures from Sardar Patel University. He is having unique experience of working in the specialized firm of civil / structural consultancy which grew as multidisciplinary firm (VMS), large multidisciplinary firm (L&T Chiyoda Ltd.) and owner based engineering set up (Adani Infra (I) Ltd.). He worked in different organisations at different levels, starting from junior design engineer to CEO. He is Founder & CEO of SQVe Consultants.

Link for registration and payment for the online course GEO-STR-001 :

Geotechnical Engineering News & Events Structural Engneering

Session no. 9 – Discussion about our upcoming online course GEO-STR-001 : Live Technical Discussion

We are glad to announce our first online course in the important area of interface between geotechnical and structural engineering. The course title is “GEO-STR-001 : Process of Interactive Geotechnical Investigation”.

For safety of the structure and cost optimisation, appropriate geotechnical investigation is extremely important. In the typical fast track projects, sometimes proper interface is not carried out between geotechnical engineer and structural engineer which may affect adversely the major goals of engineering, i.e. safety of the structure and cost optimisation. Also, the project may get delayed substantially due to inappropriate soil investigation.

The course is designed carefully to address the practical aspects so that the details can be readily used in the real projects. We are thankful of Vivek Kumar MITRA for his efforts in designing the unique course.

We are pleased to mention that it created a lot of excitement in the prospective participants. We have received numerous suggestions/questions from social media regarding the content and structure of the course. Part of the same will be covered in this course and we will attempt to cover the balance details in the future courses.

In next live technical discussion on 8-Nov-20, we are going to focus our discussion on the upcoming online course. The agenda of the session will be as follows:

  • To give overall introduction about content and structure of the course
  • Brief discussion about the interesting questions (around 35 nos.) received from social media
  • Collating the further important suggestions/questions received from the participants through live chat
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Link for participating in all live technical discussions (EVERY SUNDAY at 11:00am IST):

Registration for the course is open. For more details and registration, please refer the following link:

Looking forward for your participation in the session of 8-NOV-20. You may also share the input in the below comment box.

Session 9 – Discussion about our upcoming online course GEO-STR-001 : Live Technical Discussion

Facilitator : Bhavin Shah (Founder & CEO, SQVe Consultants)